Remote Training

Among dog professionals, a common observation is there is a nationwide increase of canine behavior issues since the pandemic began. We are being contacted for complaints including separation anxiety, barking, housebreaking, resource guarding, and property destruction.

This is no mystery as the dogs have experienced a disruption of routine, neglect of daily structure, exponential increase in time with us humans, and for some dogs a decrease in exercise and its corresponding mental stimulation.


Remote Training Advantages

Remote training offers many advantages. Some dogs act perfectly, or the opposite, when there is a visitor. Remote sessions allow us to work with your dog in its more natural state. We are often able to provide recorded footage of the session for your review.

Initial Remote Consultation

Just like in-person training, virtual sessions start with a consultation in which we set goals, review your dog’s history, and set up a plan that works with your day-to-day life.

Throughout the action parts of remote sessions, we use video and sometimes dogs on our end to demonstrate, and then we coach you through your practice steps.

The 90-minute virtual consultation costs $250.

Remote Private Sessions

Most clients require follow-up coaching as questions arise and progress ensues. Individual virtual privates are 60 minutes and cost $170. It includes at no additional charge, 1 fifteen-minute follow-up support session, valued at $33.

Bulk rates: Packages of 4 sessions cost $660. It includes at no additional charge 4 fifteen-minute follow-up support sessions, valued at $130.